The PokeDream Foundation is a registered non-profit organization operating under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our mission is to provide underprivileged individuals with access to Pokémon products, such as cards, toys, games, and more. We aim to bring joy, inspiration, and a sense of belonging to those who may otherwise not have the opportunity to experience the magic of Pokémon. Whether it's during the holidays, birthdays, or any special occasion, our organization is dedicated to spreading happiness and creating memorable moments for children and individuals in need.

Our Objectives:

  1. Accessibility: We strive to bridge the gap between underprivileged communities and Pokémon products. By working with generous donors and sponsors, we collect and distribute Pokémon cards, toys, games, and other merchandise to individuals who may not have the means to purchase them themselves.

  2. Celebrating Special Occasions: We understand the significance of holidays, birthdays, and special occasions in a person's life. We aim to make these moments more memorable for underprivileged individuals by providing them with Pokémon products that can bring happiness and excitement to their celebrations.

  3. Educational Opportunities: Pokémon offers more than just entertainment; it also encourages learning, strategic thinking, and creativity. We believe in the educational value of Pokémon and its ability to foster important skills. Through our programs, we strive to provide opportunities for children to engage with Pokémon in an educational setting, promoting cognitive development and enhancing their problem-solving abilities.

  4. Community Building: Pokémon has an incredible ability to bring people together and create a sense of community. By organizing events, workshops, and gatherings, we aim to create a supportive environment where underprivileged individuals can connect, share their love for Pokémon, and build lasting friendships.

How We Make a Difference:

  1. Donation Drives: We actively seek donations of Pokémon cards, toys, games, and other merchandise from individuals, retailers, and manufacturers. These donations are then distributed to underprivileged individuals through various channels, including schools, community centers, and partnering organizations.

  2. Collaborations: We work closely with local businesses, community centers, schools, and other non-profit organizations to identify individuals who would benefit from our services. By partnering with these organizations, we ensure that our assistance reaches those who need it the most.

  3. Events and Celebrations: Throughout the year, we organize special events and celebrations where underprivileged children and individuals can come together to enjoy Pokémon-themed activities, games, and competitions. These events provide an opportunity for them to experience the joy of being part of a vibrant Pokémon community.

  4. Educational Programs: We develop and implement educational programs that utilize Pokémon to engage children in learning activities. These programs encourage critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills while incorporating the fun and excitement of the Pokémon universe.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donations: Your generous donations of Pokémon cards, toys, games, and financial contributions help us continue our mission. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant impact on the lives of underprivileged individuals.

  2. Volunteering: We welcome individuals who are passionate about our cause to join us as volunteers. By dedicating your time and skills, you can help organize events, distribute Pokémon products, or assist with educational programs.

  3. Spreading Awareness: Share our mission and objectives with your friends, family, and social networks. By raising awareness about the Pokémon Dreams Foundation, you can help us reach more underprivileged individuals who may benefit from our services.


We are NOT affiliated with Pokemon, Nintendo, Gamefreak, or Creatures in ANY way! We do NOT make and sell pokemon products in any way.